The modern women's uniforms tend to be 5-10 years behind in trend and made for a slightly slim man rather than a shapely woman. I would love to see Isaac Mizrahi take a crack at revamping the uniform. There would definitely be a lot more color, and it would not be so matchy matchy, that's for sure. In fact, that bright orange jumpsuit hidden in the back may have been an Isaac original that didn't quite make the uniform prime time. A shame.

The Genius and I arrived in the city last night around 10 p.m. EST but didn't get to sleep until well after 1 a.m. once we got food in our bellies and unpacked. We ran around The National Mall this afternoon (after sleeping until nearly noon EST!) and it was gorgeous. The fall colors are out, the weather is fabulous and it is always so inspiring to run amongst the giant monuments. We will meet up later this afternoon to tour the Capitol with our resident friend, Mo Weiser.
In contrast to the lack of options and out-of-date style of my day-to-day military attire, I am overwhelmed with the plethora of cool running gear I receive at these military running events. I received my gear booty this morning and inventoried the following items (all in the proper sizes!):
- 1 each, super cool Brooks air force logo wind breaker jacket
- Two pair, Brooks running shorts
- 1 each, Air Force running singlet
- 1 pair, Brooks lightweight running gloves
- 1 pair, Brooks 'Beast' socks
- 1 pair, Brooks capri running tights
- 1 each, Brooks lightweight technical shirt w/ AF logo
- 1 each Marine Corps Marathon windbreaker
- 1 each, Brooks 'whiffle bill' running cap
I definitely have options for race day and beyond with this fantastic stash of gear!
Tomorrow, I plan to recap last year's Marine Corps Marathon race and divulge my racing plans for Sunday. I have already gotten some 411 on my military competition, and it looks fierce!
“One of the things I love about being in the military is the fashion.” – I couldn’t agree more! But what I love the most is the functionality of the garments. Each garment is made for a specific function and made for the convenience of the user.