
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Runner number F116 sets her goals

This is going to be a quick post because it's getting late here in St. Paul, and I need to think about getting some shut eye. I did promise a blog about my marathon goals, and I believe I finally have enough data to formulate these.

I generally give myself three goals. There's a safe goal, a reasonable goal and an 'if the stars align' goal. So, here we go:
  1. My safe goal this time will be to PR. I set my marathon PR (2:50:22) last year at CIM when I ran the best and most comfortable marathon race of my life. If I can run fast enough to see a 2 and a 4 in the first two numbers on that clock at the finish, I will be thrilled. I mean that too. Just because I'm setting lofty goals (even though I believe I can achieve them) does not mean I will be disappointed with a PR. Are you kidding me? How could I be?
  2. My reasonable goal is to run under 2:48 AND try to place in the top 10 in the Masters' field. I am seeded 16th in the field, so that means I'd have some moving up to do.
  3. Of course, my goal for if the stars align is to run under 2:46. I rode the bus along the course route today and adjusted my pacing plan accordingly. The weather is lining up to be perfect. I feel good, though I really hate the feeling in my legs during the taper week. They're just not used to being treated so nicely, and they respond by feeling like overstuffed suitcases.
So, there you have it folks. I'm looking forward to this race and honestly don't know what will happen. Every marathon is an adventure and a learning experience. I did get a little misty- eyed as we crested the hill on our bus tour between miles 25 and 26 thinking about seeing the right time on my watch and sprinting downhill to a sub-2:46 finish. Let's see if the stars will align for me in the morning.

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