4-10 Feb
80 miles
7 days of running
18 mile long run
Compared to the week prior, this past week was spectacularly uneventful. I got in all of my workouts, including most of the supplemental stuff and also got good sleep and nutrition. I included a little more detail in my log to show the various strength and core exercises I do. For the strength routine that I did on Wednesday, I didn't include the amount of weight I use for the exercises, but I do use weights for most of the exercises, with heavy weights (I'll get up to 130 lbs) for the squats. I'm trying to add more to my basic core routine and work up to doing it four times per week in addition to the strength training. I'm feeling really good at 80 miles and the four miles at marathon pace today at the tail end of my long run felt like nothing. I like that feeling.
Logan and Bella. She will grow into those ears, I'm pretty sure. |
Hope Bella enjoys her new family. Good training week there. Interesting to see the details of your strength/mobility routine.